Margate in Maps and Pictures

compiled by Anthony Lee

Margate Storms

Click on pictures for a larger image

Early storms
The storm of January 14 and 15 1808
The location of Hazardous Row
The storm of November 24 1877
The storm of November 29 1897
The Marine Palace
The loss of the Friend to all Nations
The storm of January 7 1905
The storm of March 1906
The storm of February 12 1938
Jetty in war time
The storm of February 1 1953
Rebuilding the Lighthouse 1955
Snow storm 1956
Frozen sea January 1963
Jetty Fire 1964
The storm of January 11 1978
The storm of February 14 1979
The end of the Jetty 1979-1998

Early Storms

Margate suffered damage from many winter storms. Chalk cliffs on either side of the original creek at Margate probably formed a small natural harbour with a mouth just wide enough to allow in small vessels. Over the years these cliffs were gradually washed away by the sea and the inhabitants were forced to construct a pier to provide protection for shipping, and to construct walls or jetties of timber along the shore line to prevent the houses around the creek from being flooded. In 1646 it was reported that ‘the best and greatest part [of the sea defences], having had no reparation and maintenance, by violent rage of the sea hath been taken away since, as also many houses there and highwayes, by the outbreakings of the sea thrown down and carried away, to the undoing of many the inhabitants’ and this ‘threatens the destruction of the Town’. Again in 1691 it was reported that ‘on the 10th and 13th days of October and the 8th of December last, by the violent blowing of the north-west wind, part of the pier called the “New Pier” was carried away, and that part of the town which is guarded by the pier and jetties, is so laid open that it is expected to be washed away if the wind should blow fresh at north-west. Things did not improve until an Act of Parliament was passed in 1725 to enable the Pier-wardens of the Town of Margat, in the County of Kent, more effectually to recover the ancient and accustomary Droits, for the Support and Maintenance of the said Pier. The Pier and Harbour at Margate were maintained under this Act until 1787 when Margate’s first Improvement Bill was passed, the Bill including provision for the rebuilding of the Pier. .

Lewis Margate Jetties | Margate History

The sketch map of Margate published by Lewis in the second edition of his History of the Isle of Thanet (1736) shows the jetties of timber along the shore line protecting the houses.

These flimsy protecting jetties are also shown in this watercolour of Margate by George Keate, dated 1779.

A view from the Pier at Margate  Keate 1779 | Margate History

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The storm of January 14 and 15 1808

On the night of 14th January 1808 Margate suffered one of its worst storms, causing great damage to the Pier and other parts of the town. As reported in the Kentish Chronicle: ‘the whole of the parapet was beaten down early in the storm, when the sea made a perfect breach over it, and swept away all the buildings on it; and before the close, entirely demolished upwards of seventy feet of the external end of that handsome building. The jetty in the front of Cold Harbour was destroyed, when the sea made its way to the kitchens of the adjoining houses. The destruction of the Parade (which was so lately handsomely faced with stone) was far greater; occasioned principally by six vessels breaking from their moorings in the harbour, and dashing against it . . . the collision was so great as to beat down the parapet, and to occasion two horrid breaches in the esplanade . . . From Hazardous row down to the Harbour is one complete ruin. Hubbard’s and S. Hughes’s bathing rooms, Mr Tennant’s shop, and Garner’s library are little better than mere wrecks; as are Phillipot’s and Sawyer’s bathing rooms. Mr Rowe’s warehouse, T. Hughes’s bathing and dwelling houses, together with Mr Clark’s dwelling house and shop, and part of the Kings-head-inn, totally washed into the sea. The jetties, in general, in all that space, totally destroyed; particularly that expensive one in the front of Hazardous-row, where the sea now washes into the kitchens of the houses. High-street is rendered impassable; the sea having penetrated to within three or four feet of the fronts of the houses in the east-side; which are in imminent danger of falling. Great damage is done to the noble and expensive road now forming to Dandelion; as there is also to the walls lately erected by the Boys, at a very considerable expense for protecting the marsh land, the whole of which is now inundated by the sea, many feet deep.’

Storm 1808 Representation of the Town | Margate History

Representation of the Town of Margate during the Storm from the N. N. W. on Thursday & Friday , the 14 and 15 January 1808

London, Pub by I. Hassell, Dec 1, 1808 at E. Bumford’s, 5 Newgate Street Drawn and Aquatint by I. Hassell

Storm 1808 Representation of the Pier | Margate History

Representation of the Pier at Margate during the Storm from the N. N. W. on Thursday & Friday , the 14 and 15 January 1808

London, Pub by I. Hassell, Dec 1, 1808 at E. Bumford’s, 5 Newgate Street Drawn and Aquatint by I. Hassell

Storm 1808  | Margate History

Margate as it appeared after the great storm and high tide in January, 1808 taken from the centre of the Marine Parade.

Pen ink and wash drawing, artist unknown [By permission of Guildhall Library, London]

Storm 1808  | Margate History

Margate after the storm and high tide in January, 1808; seen from Westbrook.

Pen ink and wash drawing, artist unknown [By permission of Guildhall Library, London]

Hazardous Row  | Margate History

The location of Hazardous Row

These watercolours are particularly interesting in showing the location of Hazardous Row, destroyed in the storm. As shown in this expanded view, Hazardous Row (K) was a row of buildings running more or less parallel to the side of the King's Head Inn (I). In Edmund’s 1821 map this area was still relatively undeveloped, and comparing Edmund’s map with the OS map of 1873 shows that Hazardous Row must have been located between the King’s Head Inn and Andrew’s Passage, probably close to the location of the Marine Billiards Room.

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The storm of November 24 1877

The storm of 24 November 1877 did great damage to the Jetty. ‘The brigantine Charles Davenport, which had been ashore near Margate for a fortnight, broke up, and portions floated towards the town. The hull was carried with terrific force against the jetty, a considerable portion of which, with the waiting rooms, is destroyed.’ [Illustrated London News December 1, 1877]. As reported in the Thanet Guardian [December 1 1877]: ‘The waiting room was bodily thrown into a slanting position, and the damage it received was so great that it has since been removed.’ On December 8, the Thanet Guardian reported: ‘Mr J. Byrne, photographer, High St, has succeeded in taking some excellent photographs of the Jetty, as it now is. They show the breach that has been made with great clearness…We hear that they are in great request.’ These prints were sold as CDVs (carte de visite) and some of these are shown here:

Drawing of the storm at Margate 1877 | Margate History Storm damage to Pier 1877 [CDV] | Margate History Storm Damage to Jetty 1877 | Margate History Storm Damage to Jetty 1877 | Margate History

Drawing of Storm Damage 1877 [Byrne]

Storm damage to the Pier 1877 [Byrne CDV]

Storm damage to the Jetty 1877 [Byrne CDV])

Storm damage to the Jetty 1877 [Byrne CDV])

Storm Damage to Jetty 1877 | Margate History Storm damage to Pier 1877 [CDV] | Margate History Storm Damage to Jetty 1877 | Margate History Storm Damage to Back of High Street 1877 | Margate History

Storm damage to the Pier 1877 [Byrne CDV]

Storm damage to the Pier 1877 [Byrne CDV]

Storm damage to the Jetty 1877 [Byrne CDV])

Storm Damage to Back of High Street 1877 [Byrne CDV])

Ships driven ashore off Margate by the storm | Margate History Ships driven ashore off Margate by the storm [CDV] | Margate History

Ships driven ashore off Margate by the storm [Byrne CDV]

Ships driven ashore off Margate by the storm [Byrne CDV]

Additional pictures of the storm damage

Storm damage to Pier 1877 | Margate History Storm damage to Jetty 1877 [CDV] | Margate History

Storm damage to Pier 1877 [Goodman Albumin print]

Storm damage to the Jetty 1877 [Goodman Albumin print]

Storm damage to Droit House 1877 | Margate History Jetty badly damaged by the Barque Charles Davenport | Margate History

Storm damage to Droit House 1877 [photograph]

Jetty badly damaged by the Barque Charles Davenport [Chris Brown]

After the storm 1877 | Margate History After the storm 1877 | Margate History After the storm 1877 | Margate History After the storm 1877 | Margate History

After the storm 1877 [Twyman collection]

After the storm 1877 [Twyman collection]

After the storm 1877 [Twyman collection]

After the storm 1877 [Twyman collection]

Ship ashore after storm 1877 | Margate History French Lugger 'Maria Melaine' ashore near the Jetty | Margate History

Ship ashore after storm 1877

French Lugger 'Maria Melaine' ashore near the Jetty [Chris Brown]

Storm at Margate 1877 | Margate History

Storm at Margate 1877 [Illustrated Police News]

The Late gale: Ships ashore opposite the Parade, Margate 1877 | Margate History The Jetty at Margate after the Gale on Saturday 1877 | Margate History

The Late gale: Ships ashore opposite the Parade, Margate [ILN Dec. 1 1877]

The Jetty at Margate after the Gale on Saturday [ILN Dec 1 1877]

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The storm of November 29 1897

The Daily Graphic December 1 1897

Not for fifty or sixty years has Margate been the scene of such a storm as occurred there on Monday (writes a correspondent), the destruction which has been wrought by it being variously estimated at between £10,000 and £15,000. To the thousands of visitors to Margate some faint idea of the gale may be conveyed by the accompanying sketch of one portion of the town during the height of the storm, the whole frontage being flooded, the sea rising to the level of the roadway and inundating the various properties upon the Parade and adjacent streets. The Marine Palace, with the exception of the brick building, has been swept away. The parts destroyed are the baths, shops, and concert hall, of which not a trace remains, while the massive concrete sea wall, with its parapet and promenade, has been broken down for half its length. The switchback railway and the shops at the entrance to the Palace have also vanished. The jetty extension has suffered severely, the railings and seats upon the north side having been carried away, together with a great portion of the flooring of the older part of the jetty. The works in progress for the lifeboat slipways on the east and west sides of the jetty have practically disappeared. The Quiver lifeboat put off about nine o'clock on Monday morning, and the surf boat a little earlier, the latter bringing ashore the crew of a barge which was in distress off Westgate. It is well nigh impossible to describe the various forms of destruction occasioned by the storm, which raged for several hours. The Hotel Metropole is flooded in the basement, the roadway fronting it has been washed away, and the other hotels in the neighbourhood have suffered considerably by the floods. Fortunately no loss of life has been reported.

The Daily Graphic December 10 1897

THE MARGATE DISASTER. We give some further sketches to-day of the public funeral which Margate accorded on Wednesday to the nine brave men who lost their lives by the capsizing of the surf boat Friend to All Nations last week. Thousands of people lined the entire route of the procession from the Parade to the cemetery, and no business of any kind was transacted between twelve and four o'clock. The remains of Mr. Troughton were borne on the ambulance waggon, followed by his colleagues of the Ambulance Corps, and supported on each side by medical men, who carried wreaths. The coffins of the eight boatmen were conveyed on the trolly of the boat—drawn by four black horses in tandem—and were covered with flowers and the Union flag. Local branches of Lloyd's Bank, in which Mr. Troughton was the chief cashier, were largely represented. The Mayor and Corporation, the Freemasons and Friendly Societies, railwaymen, coastguardsmen, and firemen of the district, as well as the coxswain and crew of the lifeboat Quiver were also present.

The Marine Palace

Particularly badly damaged in the storm was the Marine Palace, located in what became known as the Rendezvous Car Park, near the Turner Centre,

Marine Palace location | Margate History

This area was originally a bay in the chalk cliffs running from Bankside to a point close to the old Gun Platform on the Fort, as shown in the OS Map of 1873.

A company was established, the Margate Skating Ring and Aquarium Company, to build a large ‘Marine Palace’ on the site. The proposed design of Mr Bedborough of 1877 is shown here.

THE MARGATE  SKATING-RINK,  BATHS, AND AQUARIUM, as proposed  - Mr Bedborough, Architect 1877 | Margate History
Sea Wall Marine Palace 1877 | Margate History

Unfortunately, little came of this grand plan. A sea wall was built of ten-ton blocks of concrete, designed to offer maximum resitance to the sea. The area behind the wall was not filled in, but left at foreshore level. This stereocard, dated 1877, shows the wall under construction.

Actually built on the site were some flimsy galvanised-iron buildings and a single central brick building. The brick building, three stories high, housed the restaurant. To the east was a Skating Ring and on the Harbour side was the Swimming Baths. Viewed from the sea all that could be seen above the sea wall were the roofs of the Skating Ring and Swimming Baths and the brick restaurant, as shown in this photograph dated 1892.

Marine Palace 1892 | Margate History
Marine Palace 1885 | Margate History

The Marine Palace was shown in the Illustrated London News for 1885

The inside of the swimming baths were also shown.

Swimming Bath in Marine Palace 1885 | Margate History
Marine Palace 1898 | Margate History

The OS Map for 1898 shows the Marine Palace with a number of additional buildings behind the front set of buildings and, at the very rear under the cliffs, was a switchback railway. Despite the date on the OS Map, the survey was clearly taken before the storm of 1897.

This programme for the Marine Palace lists Concert and Variety Entertainments, with Dancing every evening after the Concert. A Grand Military band played every morning and afternoon on the Upper Promenade, overlooking the sea. Also provided were Buffets, Dining and Grill Rooms, Billiard Room, Reading Room, Smoking Room, and American bar, all overlooking the sea.

Marine Palace Programme 1886 | Margate History
Marine Palace Programme 1886 | Margate History

The concert on Monday August 9th, 1886 was performed by the Marine Palace Orchestral Band with a variety of singers including Jolly John Nash (The laughing comedian and instrumentalist) and Saroni, the Musical Clown. At midday it was possible to wonder at Nat Emmet's Wonderful Performing Goats (admission 3d) and in the afternoons in the Concert Hall you could meet Commodore Foote and Sister, the smallest people in the world, also for 3d.

The storm of November 29 1897 did so much damage to the Marine Palace that it had to be demolished. In the OS Map of 1907 shown here the site has been largely cleared.

Marine Palace Site 1907 | Margate History
Marine Palace Site 1916 | Margate History

In the early years of the 20th century there was a fashion for postcards showing ‘Rough Seas’. This card shows the Marine Palace site with some buildings still to be removed. The card was posted in 1916 but the photograph must have been taken several years earlier.

This postcard, although posted in 1913, shows the Marine Palace with a large sign to the “Switchback”.

Marine Palace Switchback Rly sign 1913 | Margate History
Marine Palace 1928 | Margate History

Even more remarkably, this card ‘Rough Seas, Margate’ showing the Marine Palace during the storms of 1897 was posted in 1928.

The site was eventually cleared and filled in and used as a Promenade.

Lower Promenade | Margate History
Rendezvous 1936 | Margate History

In 1921 the Corporation bought the site and turned it into a Putting Green, shown in this photograph dated 1936.

In 1946 the Ship Public House was built on the site.

Lower Promenade Ship Public House | Margate History
The Ship Public House 1946 | Margate History

The Ship Inn, a prefabricated building, was described in an article in The Architect and Building News in 1946. In 1964 the site was converted into the Rendezvous Car Park.

The loss of the "Friend to all Nations" December 2 1897

On the night of December 2 1897 the surf boat ‘Friend to all Nations’ capsized off Margate in the continuing storms, going to a ship in distress. Nine men were drowned.

The event was commemorated in a number of publications, including this extended poem, 'The Loss of Nine Gallant Lives' by James R. Rogers, published as a small pamphlet at 3d., with some of the proceeds going to the support of the Life Boat.

The loss of The Friend to all Nations | Margate History
Disaster at Margate/Poem by Joseph Gwyer | Margate History

A poem, 'Disaster at Margate' was published by Joseph Gwyer, 'The Penge Poet'

Another was publlished by 'T.J.C., Margate'

Loss of surfboat/Poem | Margate History
Remembrance card 1897 | Margate History

There was also a simple comemorative card

The funeral service included a procession through the town

Funeral Service page 1 | Margate History
Funeral Service pages 2,3 | Margate History Funeral Service page 4 | Margate History

Local Lodges and Societies took part in the Procession, and local shops and pubs were closed.

 Foresters Lodge | Margate History Alexandra Lodge | Margate History RAOB Lodge | Margate History
 Licensed Victuallers | Margate History Shops will be closed | Margate History
 British & Foreign Bible Society Jan 5 1857 | Margate History

The British & Foreign Bible Society presented bibles to the families of the men who lost their lives

A statue was erected on Marine Terrace and unveiled in October 1899. The event is shown on this commemorative card published by The Thanet Times.

Lifeboat Memorial | Margate History

The Surf Lifeboat Memorial is now one of Margate‘s landmarks.

Lifeboat Memorial | Margate History
Sale of Surfboat | Margate History

The Surfboat itself was sold, as ‘Lot 57, includes 30-ft Mahogany Surf Boat, Ten Cork Life-Belts, Sail, Lamps, etc.’ It was explained that ‘This Boat, which originally cost over £300, was slightly damaged in its last service at sea; but can be thoroughly repaired and fully equipped for about £30’.

Listed on the inner pages of the sale particulars were the ships assisted during the 20 years' service of the Surfboat at Margate

Sale of Surfboat | Margate History

Photographs of the Storm and its aftermath published by George Houghton

Houghton Album | Margate History

Houghton published a leather bound set of silver prints of the storm of November 29th 1897 and its aftermath.

Houghton also published some of the photographs as a printed pamphlet

Houghton Album | Margate History
Houghton Pier 1897 | Margate History Houghton Droit House 1897 | Margate History Houghton Droit Hosue and Pier 1897 | Margate History Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History

1. The Pier

2. Droit House

3. Droit House and Pier

4. Jetty

Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History

5. The Jetty

6. The Jetty

7. The Jetty

8. The Jetty

Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History Houghton Jetty 1897 | Margate History

9. The Jetty

10. The Jetty

11. The Jetty

12. The Jetty

Houghton The storm at 1.30 pm 1897 | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace at 1.15 pm 1897 | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace 1897 | Margate History Houghton Partially destroyed Marine Palace | Margate History

13. The storm at 1.30 pm

14. Marine Palace at 1.15 pm

15. Marine Palace

16. Partially destroyed Marine Palace at 2.15 pm

Houghton The height of the storm at 2.30 pm 1897 | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace 1897 | Margate History Houghton The morning after the storm, Jetty | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace from the sands | Margate History

17. The height of the storm at 2.30 pm

18. Marine Palace

19. The Jetty, the morning after the storm

20. Marine Palace from the sands

Houghton Marine Palace 1897 | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace and switch back railway | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace  | Margate History

21. Marine Palace

22. Marine Palace and switchback railway

23. Marine Palace

24. Marine Palace

Houghton Marine Palace | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace | Margate History Bankside  | Margate History

25. Marine Palace

26. Marine Palace

27. Marine Palace

28. Bankside and Metropolitan Hotel

Houghton Bankside | Margate History Houghton Westbrook Promenade | Margate History Houghton Westbrook Promenade | Margate History Westbrook Promenade  | Margate History

29. Bankside

30. Westbrook Promenade

31. Westbrook Promenade

32. Westbrook Promenade

Houghton Friend to all Nations | Margate History Houghton Lifeboat The Quiver | Margate History Funeral Procession for crew of surfboat | Margate History Funeral Procession for crew of surfboat | Margate History

33. Surfboat "Friend to All Nations" after its recovery

34. Lifeboat "The Quiver"

35. Funeral Procession for crew of surfboat

36. Funeral Procession for crew of surfboat

Funeral Procession for crew of surfboat | Margate History

37. Funeral Procession for crew of surfboat

George Houghton also published some card-mounted albumin prints of the aftermath of the storm.

Houghton Marine Palace | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace | Margate History Houghton Marine Palace | Margate History Marine Palace | Margate History

Marine Palace

Marine Palace

Marine Palace

Marine Palace

After the storm Sept 1898 | Margate History

Marine Palace. After the storm Sept 1898

Other photographs of the aftermath of the storm.

Storm of 1897/Marine Palace after the storm  | Margate History Storm of 1897 remains of Marine Palace  | Margate History Storm of 1897, damage to Jetty decking  | Margate History Repairing Jetty Decking  | Margate History

Marine Palace

Remains of Marine Palace

Damage to Jetty decking

Repairing Jetty Decking

Lantern slides of storm damage

Remains of Marine Palace | Margate History Damage to Hotel Metropole | Margate History

Remains of Marine Palace

Damage to Hotel Metropole

Glass negatives of storm damage

Remains of Marine Palace | Margate History Remains of Marine Palace | Margate History Remains of Marine Palace | Margate History Storm damage at Nayland Rock | Margate History

Remains of Marine Palace

Remains of Marine Palace

Remains of Marine Palace

Storm damage at Nayland Rock

Photographs of storm damage from the Twyman Collection

Storm damage at Nayland Rock | Margate History Remains of Marine Palace | Margate History Damage to Jetty | Margate History Damage to Jetty and Droit House | Margate History

Storm damage at Nayland Rock

Remains of Marine Palace

Damage to Jetty

Damage to Jetty and Droit House

Photographs of the storm from the James Brazier Collection

Storm of 1897 [James Brazier] | Margate History Storm at Pier [James Brazier] | Margate History Storm at Marine Palace [James Brazier] | Margate History Storm at Jetty [James Brazier] | Margate History

Storm of 1897

Storm at Pier

Storm at Marine Palace

Storm at Jetty

Photographs of the storm from the Chris Brown Collection

Marine Palace  two hours before high water storm of 29th November 1897 | Margate History Storm of 1897 [James Brazier] | Margate History Jetty during the storm | Margate History Marine Palace during the storm | Margate History

Marine Palace two hours before high water storm of 29th November 1897

Jetty & Marine Palace during storm

Jetty during the storm

Marine Palace during the storm

Marine Terrace  during storm | Margate History Storm of 1897  | Margate History Jetty from Fort Point during storm | Margate History

Marine Terrace during storm

Marine Terrace during storm

Jetty from Fort Point during storm

Jetty after storm | Margate History Jetty after storm | Margate History Jetty after storm | Margate History Harbour, Jetty & Hotel Metropole  after storm | Margate History

Jetty after storm

Jetty after storm

Jetty after storm

Harbour, Jetty & Hotel Metropole after storm

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm | Margate History Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm | Margate History Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm | Margate History Marine Palace & Fort Point  after storm  | Margate History

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm | Margate History Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm | Margate History Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm | Margate History Marine Palace  after storm  | Margate History

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm

Marine Palace & Fort Point after storm

Marine Palace after storm

Marine Palace  after storm | Margate History Marine Palace  after storm | Margate History Marine Palace  after storm | Margate History Nayland Rock Hotel & Promenade  after storm  | Margate History

Marine Palace after storm

Marine Palace after storm

Marine Palace after storm

Nayland Rock Hotel & Promenade after storm

Other Photographs of the storm

Marine Palace in the storm [Houghton] | Margate History

Marine Palace in the storm [Houghton]

The Funeral 8th December 1897

Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade [Chris Brown] | Margate History Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade | Margate History Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade | Margate History The nine drowned men | Margate History

Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade [Chris Brown]

Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade

Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade

The nine drowned men

Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade [Chris Brown] | Margate History Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade [Chris Brown] | Margate History Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade [Chris Brown] | Margate History

Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade [Chris Brown]

Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade [Chris Brown]

Surfboat Funeral Crowd on the Parade [Chris Brown]

The Daily Graphic

December 1 1897

The Great Gale – Scene at Margate during the height of the storm 1897 | Margate History

The Great Gale – Scene at Margate during the height of the storm

December 4 1897

The Margate Disaster: How the Friend to all Nations capsized 1897 | Margate History The Margate Disaster: Sketches by our special artist 1897 | Margate History Margate on the morning of the disaster (bottom picture: The rush for news) 1897 | Margate History

The Margate Disaster: How the Friend to all Nations capsized

The Margate Disaster: Sketches by our special artist

Margate on the morning of the disaster (bottom picture: The rush for news)

December 10 1897

At the head of the procession: The coffin containing the body of Mr Troughton 1897 | Margate History At the graveside 1897 | Margate History The funeral of the Margate heroes: The lifeboat carriage bearing the bodies of the eight boatmen 1897 | Margate History

At the head of the procession: The coffin containing the body of Mr Troughton

At the graveside

The funeral of the Margate heroes: The lifeboat carriage bearing the bodies of the eight boatmen

The Graphic

December 4 1897

The names of the four survivors are Robert Ladd, Henry Brockman, John James Gilbert, and J. Epps 1897 | Margate History

The names of the four survivors are Robert Ladd, Henry Brockman, John James Gilbert, and J. Epps

December 18 1897

The funeral of the victims of the Margate Surf Boat disaster 1897 | Margate History

The funeral of the victims of the Margate Surf Boat disaster

January 1 1898

Scene at Margate during the Great Gale of November 1897 | Margate History

Scene at Margate during the Great Gale of November 1897

Unknown Publication

Funeral of the nine lost in the capsizing of the Margate Surfboat | Margate History

Funeral of the nine lost in the capsizing of the Margate Surfboat

The Surfboat

'Friend To All Nations' on beach below Harbour outer wall [Chris Brown] | Margate History Friend to all nations recovered from beach | Margate History  Surfboat 'Friend To All Nations' in the yard of Hewett & Co Gorleston | Margate History Margate Surfboat 'Friend To All Nations' on her carriage with bow pulled out | Margate History

'Friend To All Nations' on beach below Harbour outer wall [Chris Brown]

Friend to All Nations recovered from beach

Surfboat 'Friend To All Nations' in the yard of Hewett & Co Gorleston

Margate Surfboat 'Friend To All Nations' on her carriage with bow pulled out

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The storm of January 7 1905

The fashion for pictures of storms led to the issuing of sets of postcards in 1905 and 1906 showing heavy winter seas at Margate. The 1905 set was described as a tidal wave, and that of 1906 as ‘The Great Storm’.

Tidal wave at Hotel Metropole | Margate History Breakwater at Clifton Baths 1905 | Margate History Newgate Gap 1905 | Margate History Pettmans Bathing Place 1905  | Margate History

Tidal wave at Hotel Metropole

Tidal wave at Breakwater at Clifton Baths

Tidal wave at Newgate Gap

Tidal wave at Pettmans Bathing Place

Royal Crescent 1905 | Margate History Beach Houses Westbrook 1905 | Margate History Westbrook Promenade 1905 | Margate History Westbrook Promenade 1905  | Margate History

Tidal wave at Royal Crescent

Tidal wave at Beach Houses, Westbrook

Tidal wave at Westbrook Promenade

Tidal wave at Westbrook Promenade

Westbrook Bandstand 1905 | Margate History Storm at Beach Houses | Margate History

Tidal wave at Westbrook Bandstand

Storm at Beach Houses

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The storm of March 1906

Hotel Metropole 1906 | Margate History Parade 1906 | Margate History Westbrook Prom 1906 | Margate History Storm March 1906 from Marine Terrace | Margate History

Great Storm - Hotel Metropole

Great Storm - The Parade

Great Storm - Westbrook Promenade

Storm March 1906 from Marine Terrace

Storm March 1906 slipway in front of Clock Tower | Margate History

Storm March 1906 slipway in front of Clock Tower

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The storm of February 12 1938

Damage to Jetty | Margate History Damage to Jetty | Margate History Damage to Jetty | Margate History

Damage to Jetty [Twyman Collection]

Damage to Jetty [Twyman Collection]

Damage to Jetty [Twyman Collection]

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The Jetty in war time

Droit House Bomb damage in 1941 | Margate History Gap blown in Jetty for invasion defence 1940 | Margate History Jetty showing repaired decking | Margate History

Droit House Bomb damage in 1941

Gap blown in Jetty for invasion defence 1940

Jetty showing repaired decking

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The storm of February 1 1953

An abnormally high spring tide combined with gale-force winds on the night of Saturday 31 January 1953 and again on Sunday 1 February, led to disastrous flooding all along the east coast. Great damage was caused at Margate on the Sunday, the lighthouse on the stone Pier crashing into the sea, the Jetty, Westbrook Pavilion, Marine Sun Deck, and the Lido at Cliftonville all being damaged.

Floods Margate 1953 | Margate History

Pictures of the floods were reprinted by the Isle of Thanet Gazette in a 6d. pamphlet.

The Storm | Margate History The Storm - Marine Terrace | Margate History  The Storm - The Parade | Margate History  The Storm - The Jetty | Margate History

The Storm

The Storm - Marine Terrace

The Storm - The Parade

The Storm - The Jetty

The Storm | Margate History The Storm  | Margate History  The Storm  | Margate History  The Storm - The Droit House | Margate History

The Storm

The Storm

The Storm

The Storm - The Droit House

The Storm - Marine Drive | Margate History The Storm - The Jetty  | Margate History  The Storm - The Jetty | Margate History The Storm - The Jetty | Margate History

The Storm - Marine Drive

The Storm - The Jetty

The Storm - The Jetty

The Storm - The Jetty

 The Storm - The Droit House | Margate History The Storm - The Lido  | Margate History  The Storm - The Lido | Margate History  The Storm - The Lido | Margate History

The Storm - The Droit House

The Storm - The Lido

The Storm - The Lido

The Storm - The Lido

 The Storm - The Sun Deck | Margate History The Storm - Marine Drive  | Margate History Stormy Sea 1953 | Margate History Storm at Lido 1953 | Margate History

The Storm - The Sun Deck [Suzannah Foad]

The Storm - Marine Drive [Suzannah Foad]

Stormy Sea

Storm at Lido 1953

View of harbour from Marine Drive before lighthouse collapse | Margate History Droit House in the storm 1953 | Margate History

View of harbour from Marine Drive before lighthouse collapse

Droit House in the storm 1953

Floods in Hawley Street | Margate History Floods in Hawley Street/Trinity Hill | Margate History  Floods in Market Place | Margate History  Floods in Market Place | Margate History

Floods in Hawley Street

Floods in Hawley Street/Trinity Hill

Floods in Market Place

Floods in Market Place

 Floods in Market Place | Margate History Floods in King Street | Margate History Floods in King Street | Margate History  Floods in King Street | Margate History

Floods in Market Place

Floods in King Street

Floods in King Street

Floods in King Street

King Street Floods [Payne Collection] | Margate History Love Lane Floods [Payne Collection] | Margate History Hawley Street Floods [Payne Collection] | Margate History  Marine Drive  [Payne Collection] | Margate History

King Street Floods [Payne Collection]

Love Lane Floods [Payne Collection]

Hawley Street Floods [Payne Collection]

Marine Drive [Payne Collection]

Floods in Market Place | Margate History Parade/Duke Street Ruby Lounge | Margate History King Street floods | Margate History King Street floods | Margate History

Floods in Market Place

Parade/Duke Street Ruby Lounge

King Street floods

King Street floods

King Street floods | Margate History King Street floods | Margate History King Street after the floods | Margate History Hawley Street floods | Margate History

King Street floods

King Street floods

King Street after the floods

Hawley Street floods

Marine Drive after the storms | Margate History Marine Drive in the storm | Margate History King Street from the Parade after the storm | Margate History

Marine Drive after the storms

Marine Drive in the storm

King Street from the Parade after the storm

Rendezvous [Payne Collection] | Margate History Bathing Stage [Payne Collection] | Margate History Harbour after the storm [Payne Collection] | Margate History Pier and Lighthouse   [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Rendezvous [Payne Collection]

Bathing Stage [Payne Collection]

Harbour after the storm [Payne Collection]

Pier and Lighthouse [Payne Collection]

Damaged Lighthouse [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Lighthouse [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Lighthouse [Payne Collection] | Margate History Lighthouse [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Damaged Lighthouse [Payne Collection]

Damaged Lighthouse [Payne Collection]

Damaged Lighthouse [Payne Collection]

Lighthouse after collapse [Payne Collection]

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Pier [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Pier [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Pier [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection]

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection]

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection]

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection]

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Pier [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Pier [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Marine Drive [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection]

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection]

Damaged Pier [Payne Collection]

Damaged Marine Drive [Payne Collection]

View from Fort Hill after collapse of lighthouse | Margate History From Parade after collapse of lighthouse | Margate History Parade with fallen lighthouse | Margate History

View from Fort Hill after collapse of lighthouse

From Parade after collapse of lighthouse

Parade with fallen lighthouse

Pier with fallen lighthouse | Margate History Pier with fallen lighhouse | Margate History Base of lighthouse | Margate History Base of lighthouse | Margate History

Pier with fallen lighhouse

Pier with fallen lighhouse

Base of lighthouse

Base of lighthouse

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Damaged Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty opposite lifeboat house | Margate History

Jetty opposite lifeboat house

 The Pier | Margate History  The Pier | Margate History The Lighthouse | Margate History Pier and Lighthouse | Margate History

The Pier

The Pier

The Lighthouse

Pier and Lighthouse

Base of Lighthouse | Margate History  The Pier | Margate History The Pier | Margate History The Jetty | Margate History

Base of Lighthouse

The Pier

The Pier

The Jetty

 The Jetty | Margate History The Jetty | Margate History Jetty | Margate History Marine Drive | Margate History

The Jetty

The Jetty

The Jetty

Marine Drive

Marine Drive | Margate History Marine Drive | Margate History Marine Drive | Margate History Marine Drive | Margate History

Marine Drive

Marine Drive

Marine Drive

Marine Drive

The Lido | Margate History The Lido | Margate History Lido Bathing Pool | Margate History The Lido | Margate History

The Lido

The Lido

Lido Bathing Pool

The Lido

The Lido | Margate History The Lido Baths | Margate History Lido Bathing Pool | Margate History Bathing Stage | Margate History

The Lido

The Lido Bathing Pool

Lido Bathing Pool

Bathing Stage

Palm Bay Pavilion | Margate History Palm Bay Pavilion | Margate History Marine Terrace Sun Deck | Margate History Nayland Rock Cafe | Margate History

Palm Bay Pavilion

Palm Bay Pavilion

Marine Terrace Sun Deck

Nayland Rock Cafe

Westbrook | Margate History Westbrook Pavilion | Margate History Westbrook Pavilion | Margate History Westbrook Pavilion | Margate History


Westbrook Pavilion

Westbrook Pavilion

Westbrook Pavilion

Westbrook Pavilion | Margate History Westbrook Pavilion | Margate History Westbrook Promenade | Margate History Westgate St Mildreds Tea Chalet | Margate History

Westbrook Pavilion

Westbrook Pavilion

Westbrook Promenade after the Storm

Westgate St Mildreds Tea Chalet

Marine Drive during storm  | Margate History Droit House during storm  | Margate History Droit House and Harbour after storm  | Margate History Oval Stairs after storm | Margate History

Marine Drive during storm

Droit House during storm

Droit House and Harbour after storm

Oval Stairs after storm

Westonville Pavilion during storm | Margate History Railway Line Birchington to Reculver | Margate History

Westonville Pavilion during storm

Railway Line Birchington to Reculver

Photographs of the storm and floods from the Chris Brown Collection

Fort Hill & Jetty entrance during storm  | Margate History Jetty & Droit House during storm  | Margate History Jetty during the storm | Margate History  Jetty from Fort Point during the storm | Margate History

Fort Hill & Jetty entrance during storm

Jetty & Droit House during storm /p>

Jetty during the storm

Jetty from Fort Point during the storm

Jetty during storm  | Margate History Jetty & Droit House during storm  | Margate History Westbrook Pavilion during the storm | Margate History  Jetty & Lifeboathouse after storm | Margate History

Jetty during storm

Walpole Bay Bathing Pavilion during storm

Westbrook Pavilion during the storm

Jetty & Lifeboathouse after storm

Police Station and Scott's Butchers during flooding  | Margate History Marine Drive after the storm and flooding  | Margate History Newgate Gap Bathing Pavilion after the storm | Margate History  Old  Lifeboathouse and Harbour wall after storm | Margate History

Police Station and Scott's Butchers during flooding

Marine Drive after the storm and flooding

Newgate Gap Bathing Pavilion after the storm

Old Lifeboathouse and Harbour wall after storm

Westbrook Pavilion after the storm  | Margate History Nayland Rock Promenade  | Margate History

Westbrook Pavilion after the storm

Nayland Rock Promenade after storm

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Rebuilding the Lighthouse 1955

Rebuilding lighthouse January 1955 | Margate History Rebuilding lighthouse February 1955 | Margate History

Rebuilding lighthouse January 1955

Rebuilding lighthouse February 1955

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Snow Storm 1956

Millmead Road Coach stuck in snow 1956 | Margate History Snow and Harbour 1956 | Margate History Marine Terrace in the snow 1956 | Margate History

Millmead Road Coach stuck in snow 1956

Snow and Harbour 1956

Marine Terrace in the snow 1956

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Frozen Sea January 1963

Frozen Harbour | Margate History Frozen Sea | Margate History Harbour and Frozen Sea | Margate History Jetty and Frozen Sea | Margate History

Frozen Harbour

Frozen Sea at Margate

Harbour and Frozen Sea

Jetty and Frozen Sea

Harbour Frozen Sea Colour | Margate History Frozen Sea and Pier | Margate History

Harbour and Frozen Sea

Frozen Sea and Jetty

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History  Jetty  [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Harbour [Payne Collection] | Margate History Swimming Pool [Payne Collection] | Margate History  Frozen Sea  [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Harbour [Payne Collection]

Swimming Pool [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History  Frozen Sea  [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History Frozen Sea [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea [Payne Collection]

Frozen Sea | Margate History Frozen Sea | Margate History Frozen Sea | Margate History Frozen Harbour | Margate History

Frozen Sea

Frozen Sea

Frozen Sea

Frozen Harbour

Frozen Sea | Margate History Frozen Sea | Margate History Frozen Sea | Margate History Frozen Sea | Margate History

Frozen Sea

Frozen Sea

Frozen Sea

Frozen Sea

Frozen Sea and Parade | Margate History Frozen Harbour | Margate History Frozen Harbour | Margate History

Frozen Sea and Parade

Frozen Harbour

Frozen Harbour

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Jetty Fire 1964

Jetty pavilion fire 1964 | Margate History Jetty pavilion fire 1964 | Margate History Jetty pavilion fire 1964 | Margate History Jetty pavilion fire 1964 | Margate History

Jetty pavilion fire 1964

Jetty pavilion fire 1964

Jetty pavilion fire 1964

Jetty pavilion fire 1964

Jetty pavilion fire 1964 | Margate History Jetty pavilion fire 1964 | Margate History

Jetty pavilion fire 1964

Jetty pavilion fire 1964

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The storm of January 11 1978

The storms of Wednesday January 11 1978 did great damage along the Thanet coast. In particular, it destroyed the Jetty at Margate

Margate Storm 1978 | Margate History

The events were recorded in a booklet published by the East Kent Times.

Storm at Harbour 12 Jan 1978 11 am | Margate History Storm and jetty 12 Jan 1978 | Margate History Lifeboat trapped 12 Jan 1978 | Margate History Jetty Storm 12 Jan 1978 | Margate History

Storm at Harbour 12 Jan 1978 11 am

Storm and jetty 12 Jan 1978

Lifeboat trapped 12 Jan 1978

Jetty Storm 12 Jan 1978

Jetty Storm 12 Jan 1978 | Margate History Pier after storm 14 Jan 1978 | Margate History Marine Terrace damage 14 Jan 1978 | Margate History Jetty damage 14 Jan 1978 | Margate History

Jetty Storm 12 Jan 1978

Pier after storm 14 Jan 1978

Marine Terrace damage 14 Jan 1978

Jetty damage 14 Jan 1978

Jetty after storm 14 Jan 1978 | Margate History Jetty after storm 14 Jan 1978 | Margate History Jetty after storm  14 Jan 1978 2 | Margate History Jetty after strom 14 Jan 1978 | Margate History

Jetty after storm 14 Jan 1978

Jetty after storm 14 Jan 1978

Jetty after storm 14 Jan 1978

Jetty after storm 14 Jan 1978

Droit house after storm 14 Jan 1978 | Margate History Pier and Marine Terrace after storm | Margate History Jetty and lifeboat house after storm | Margate History Releasing the lifeboat after storm | Margate History

Droit house after storm 14 Jan 1978

Pier and Marine Terrace after storm

Jetty and lifeboat house after storm

Releasing the lifeboat after storm

Margate Jetty remains 1978 | Margate History Margate Jetty remains 1978 | Margate History Aerial view Jetty and storm 1978 | Margate History

Margate Jetty remains 1978

Margate Jetty remains 1978

Aerial view Jetty and storm 1978

Droit House | Margate History The damaged Jetty | Margate History Marine Terrace | Margate History

High tide at the Droit House

The damaged Jetty

Damage to the Marine Terrace

Jetty Storm 1978 | Margate History Jetty Storm 1978 | Margate History Jetty Storm 1978 | Margate History Jetty Storm 1978 | Margate History

Damaged Jetty [Tony Withers]

Damaged Jetty [Tony Withers]

Damaged Jetty [Tony Withers]

Damaged Jetty [Tony Withers]

Jetty Storm 1978 | Margate History Pier Storm 1978 | Margate History Pier Storm 1978 | Margate History Droit House Storm 1978 | Margate History

Damaged Jetty [Tony Withers]

Damaged Pier [Tony Withers]

Damaged Pier [Tony Withers]

Droit House [Tony Withers]

Marine Terrace Storm 1978 | Margate History Pier Storm 1978 | Margate History Marine Terrace after storm  | Margate History Harbour Wall  after storm (16 Feb 1978)  | Margate History

Damaged Marine Terrace [Tony Withers]

Wreckage on beach [Tony Withers]

Marine Terrace after storm

Harbour Wall after storm (16 Feb 1978)

Walpole Bay Storm Damage 14 Jan 1978  | Margate History Walpole Bay Storm Damage 14 Jan 1978  | Margate History

Walpole Bay Storm Damage 14 Jan 1978

Walpole Bay Storm Damage 14 Jan 1978

Harbour [Payne Collection] | Margate History Harbour [Payne Collection] | Margate History Marine Terrace [Payne Collection] | Margate History  Jetty  [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Harbour [Payne Collection]

Harbour [Payne Collection]

Marine Terrace [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History  Jetty  [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Jetty [Payne Collection] | Margate History Jetty Destroyed 1978 [John Robinson] | Margate History

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty [Payne Collection]

Jetty Destroyed 1978 [John Robinson]

Jetty after storm 1978 [John Robinson] | Margate History Jetty after storm 1978 [John Robinson] | Margate History Last Lifeboat Launch 1978 [John Robinson] | Margate History After The Storm 1978 [John Robinson] | Margate History

Jetty after storm 1978 [John Robinson]

Jetty after storm 1978 [John Robinson]

Last Lifeboat Launch 1978 [John Robinson]

After The Storm 1978 [John Robinson]

Droit house in the storm 1978  | Margate History Droit house in the storm 1978 | Margate History Jetty Damage 1978  | Margate History Jetty Debris  1978 | Margate History

Droit house in the storm 1978

Droit house in the storm 1978

Jetty Damage 1978

Jetty Debris 1978

Jetty Debris  1978  | Margate History Jetty Debris  1978 | Margate History Jetty Debris Clearance 1978  | Margate History Jetty Debris Clearance 1978 | Margate History

Jetty Debris 1978

Jetty Debris 1978

Jetty Debris Clearance 1978

Jetty Debris Clearance 1978

Jetty Remains 1978  | Margate History Jetty Remains 1978 | Margate History Jetty Remains  1978  | Margate History Jetty Remains 1978 | Margate History

Jetty Remains 1978

Jetty Remains 1978

Jetty Remains 1978

Jetty Remains 1978

Jetty Remains 1978  | Margate History Jetty Remains 1978 | Margate History Jetty Remains  1978  | Margate History Jetty Remains 1978 | Margate History

Jetty Remains 1978

Jetty Remains 1978

Jetty Remains 1978

Jetty Remains 1978

Jetty Remains 1978  | Margate History Helicopter Rescue 1978 | Margate History Helicopter Rescue 1978 | Margate History Helicopter Rescue 1978 | Margate History

Jetty Remains 1978

Helicopter Rescue 1978

Helicopter Rescue 1978

Helicopter Rescue 1978

Helicopter Rescue 1978 | Margate History

Helicopter Rescue 1978

Lido Storm Damage  1978  | Margate History Lido Pool in 1978 Storm | Margate History Lido Pool Clear Up  | Margate History

Lido Storm Damage 1978

Lido Pool in 1978 Storm

Lido Pool Clear Up

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The Storm of February 14 1979

Pier 14 Feb 1979 storm | Margate History Pier 14 Feb 1979 storm | Margate History Pier 14 Feb 1979 storm | Margate History Jetty 14 Feb 1979 storm | Margate History

Pier 14 Feb 1979 storm

Pier 14 Feb 1979 storm

Pier 14 Feb 1979 storm

Jetty 14 Feb 1979 storm

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The end of the Jetty 1979-1998

In 1979 the shore end of the Jetty was demolished. Sections were cut and floated with air bags onto the bottom of the slipway where they were cut up and loaded into skips. In the background is the life boat house after the attempt to blow it up. The crane barge being used in the work sank and the lighter ran ashore, where it remained for several years [Thanks to Tony Ovenden]

Jetty demolition 1979  | Margate History The lighter run ashore  | Margate History Lighter aground September 1979 | Margate History

Jetty demolition [Payne Collection] | Margate History Jetty demolition [Payne Collection] | Margate History Jetty demolition [Payne Collection] | Margate History

Jetty demolition [Payne Collection]

Jetty demolition [Payne Collection]

Jetty demolition [Payne Collection]

Removing the landward end of the Jetty in 1985 [John Robinson]

Jetty Demolition 1985 [John Robinson] | Margate History Jetty Demolition 1985 [John Robinson] | Margate History Jetty Demolition 1985 [John Robinson] | Margate History Jetty Demolition 1985 [John Robinson] | Margate History

Jetty Demolition 1985 [John Robinson] | Margate History Jetty Demolition 1985 [John Robinson] | Margate History

The seaward end of the Jetty [John Robinson]

Fire at Jetty Head remains  [John Robinson] | Margate History Fire at Jetty Head remains  [John Robinson] | Margate History Remains of the Jetty Head  [John Robinson] | Margate History Remains of the Jetty Head  [John Robinson] | Margate History
Arial view of Jetty remains 1979 | Margate History

Removing the remains of the Jetty in 1998 [from the Twyman Collection]

Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History

Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History

Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History Removing Jetty debris 1998 | Margate History

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